Great Lakes
Ecoregion Network
Collaborating across boundaries
for a healthy and resilient
Great Lakes Ecoregion

Who We Are
GLEN works to empower public constituencies across the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Basins to drive transformational strategies and actions that will safeguard and restore the health and resilience of the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence ecoregions.
What We're Doing
A stronger Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement
A regional Great Lakes climate framework
Restoring physical integrity in watersheds and habitat
Ways We're Contributing to the Movement
Transboundary collaboration for system-wide challenges
A focus on root causes and drivers of today's environmental threats
Stronger GLWQA
Climate Change
Toxics & Radionuclides
Agricultural Policy
Biodiversity & Habitat
Physical Integrity
How to Get Involved
Join Our Mailing List
Subscribe to our mailing list to receive updates and alerts by e-mailing
to glecoregion@gmail.com
Check out our take action page for quick and easy ways to make a difference
Learn about issues GLEN is working on and help shape strategies
Watch our events page for announcements and registration