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Issue Teams

GLEN Issue Teams focus on specific big-picture challenges to Great Lakes health and integrity. Volunteer teams meet via Zoom to collaborate and develop strategy and recommendations for action.

Great Lakes Water Quality Agreement

This Team works on strengthening the Agreement and its accountability. As the IJC and the Parties undertake a new review of the Agreement, this is a critical time for public involvement.

Physical Integrity

This team works on restoring and protecting the physical landscape that supports Great Lakes ecological and hydrological systems.

Climate Change

This team works to promote a cohesive strategy for climate response that will optimize Great Lakes resilience and health in the face of climate disruption

Agricultural Policy

This team works to raise awareness of  the impacts of federal and provincial/state policy on Great Lakes-St. Lawrence ecological health and resilience, and to promote better policy and practice.

Toxics &  Radionuclides

This team is working on preventative and precautionary strategies to reduce and eliminate toxic substances in the Great Lakes-St.Lawrence Ecoregion

Biodiversity & Habitat

This team works on policy to safeguard habitat and to restore and protect biodiversity and biological integrity in the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence ecoregion.

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